Religious Studies

Curriculum Intent

In Religious Studies lessons it is our intention that students will

develop a knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and values

that have shaped and continue to have an important influence on

the world that we live in. In Religious Studies lessons, we will

consider challenging questions including the ultimate meaning and

purpose of life and beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human.


Programmes of Study

Year 7

Students will start with an introduction to religion and philosophy. They will then study the six major religions and philosophy and ethics.

Year 8

Students will study religion and culture in Britain. This will enable them to have a greater understanding of other cultures and religions and further develop their empathy skills. They will then study religious and human rights issues, linking to religious prejudice and tolerance.

Year 9

Students will gain an introduction to morals and ethics by studying a range of moral dilemmas. They will consider the religious, non-religious and moral views on euthanasia, abortion and animal testing. Students will develop their oral and written skills of debate. Students will study a unit of Philosophical questions where they will evaluate questions such as, is there Life After Death? Students will then study a unit on Islam.

Year 10

Students will study the War and Conflict Unit. Students will consider key ethical and philosophical questions that relate to the causes and consequences of war and conflict and investigate warzones influenced by religion and cultural difference like Israel, Palestine. They will then study a unit on Relationships and families. Finally, students will study a unit on Islamic beliefs.

Year 11

Students will study Units from the Christian beliefs section of paper 1. This includes the life and significance of Jesus, creation, life after death, resurrection, sin and salvation. Students will then study Crime and Punishment. This unit covers different moral and philosophical debates on the death penalty, causes of crime, right and wrong, dealing with criminals, social laws and forgiveness.


Marking and Assessment

Formal assessment takes place throughout the year with at least one piece of extended written work per half term at KS3 and at least two pieces at KS4.



AQA GCSE Religious Studies - Religions, Philosophy and Ethics

Paper 1 - written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

Paper 2 - written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes


Revision Guides/Supporting Resources

CGP Grade 9-1 GCSE Religious Studies: AQA A Revision Guide

Staff Details

Mrs Main – Head of Department, Teacher of History, Religious Studies and Opening Minds

Miss Hill – 2nd In department, Teacher of Religious Studies

Miss Mayor – SENCo, Teacher of Religious Studies and Opening Minds

Mr Davison – Teacher of History and RS


Careers and Progression

The course provides, knowledge, understanding and skills to advance to level 3 further education in Philosophy, Ethics and/or Religious Studies. The skills and knowledge developed on the course are also deemed useful in other further education subjects and help support and complement other subjects like Law, Medicine, Sociology, Psychology and Social Work. Debating is a key skill of this course and is a useful skill within many subjects and employment rout

It could also lead to employment within the following areas; teaching, social work, immigration work, journalism, youth community work or law.


Progress Ladder - Religious Studies