All homework is set using Classcharts each week. Where students need access to further electronic resources, teachers will use Teams Assignments to support Classcharts. Homework club runs after school 5 days a week (with late buses on Tues, and Wed) which is of particular help to those students who have limited computer access at home or who find completing homework at home difficult.  

Homework is work that is set to be completed outside the timetabled curriculum. It contains an element of independent study in that it is not usually directly supervised by a teacher. At Walton-le-Dale we believe that homework is an essential part of students' learning. Homework enhances pupil learning (the Education and Endowment Foundation suggest that it has an average impact of 5 months progress, although it could add as much as 8 months progress) improves achievement and develops pupils' study skills and as such is an integral part of the curriculum. It will be used to extend understanding, prepare students for new learning and reinforce understanding gained in lessons. It is therefore essential that it is completed as well as if students were in class. 

Homework is given because:

  • It increases the amount of time available for study, extends and enriches the learning activities organised by school for our pupils.
  • It encourages pupils to work independently and to use their initiative.
  • It encourages pupils to take responsibility for their own work and to learn to meet deadlines.
  • It allows the use of resources and materials (including people) that are not available at school.
  • It allows pupils to complete work not finished in class.
  • It allows pupils to prepare work to be developed in school.
  • It allows skills to be practised more than is possible in school alone.
  • It allows tasks to be set for individual pupils and their abilities/interests.
  • It strengthens the links between home and school and involves parents in their children's learning.

We ask parents to monitor this as it is important that students keep up to date with this important element of exam courses.Our detailed homework policy can be found in the Policies section here.