Year 10 Work Experience
As part of the Year 10 curriculum, all students take part in a work experience placement. Our school is one of very few in the area that still offer work experience to Year 10 students as we find it to be an invaluable learning opportunity for them.
Some of the benefits of work experience are that students will:
• develop transferable skills, such as communication and team working
• understand how organisations and businesses work
• build confidence in interacting with adults
• confirm interest in a career or not (which is equally useful!)
• get a head start - if they impress the employer they could be offered an apprenticeship upon leaving school
School works in partnership with the Education Business Partnership who provide the link between employers and the school and undertake health and safety checks on employers’ premises and agree job descriptions for students. This requires the documentation detailed below before work experience can be granted.
Here is a timescale and action points for the work experience process.
Autumn Term
Students are required to find their own placements, source and contact the employer. Students will receive a self-placement form and are required to complete and return with a copy of the Employer Liability Insurance document. Both must be returned before the Christmas break
Spring Term
Students will receive a medical form and are required to complete and return before the Easter break .
Summer Term
Students are required to complete a placement agreement which must be signed by themselves, a parent/carer and the employer.
Students must telephone the employer to arrange an interview where they will get the placement agreement signed and confirm any details from their job description. Half term is the ideal time to do this and the form must be returned to school.
Please note that students will not be able to undertake their Work Experience unless this form is returned, as the signatures are a legal obligation.
Students receive a Health and Safety talk from the Education Business Partnership and are prepared in school for the telephone call and interview with their employer.
Work experience runs in early July each year.
Guidance is available every break time in the Careers Office or via email
** COVID update - December 2020. In the current pandemic we cannot run our usual work experience provision - the documents below provide some useful virtual work experience opportunities **
Work experience