Cultural Capital

Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a student can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness. Cultural capital gives a student power. It helps them achieve goals and become successful, without necessarily having wealth or financial capital.

As stated in our curriculum intent

‘We believe that, while knowledge is important, it is not the only aspect of education that we consider. Throughout all subjects and aspects of their school life we want our students to develop a set of skills, qualities and attitudes that will not only help them to succeed in their studies but help them to become responsible citizens and to be successful in all aspects of their future life, as our motto states we are “Learning for Life”.

We aim  

  • to broaden our students’ minds
  • for our students to be curious about the world in which we live
  • for our students to understand and respect the beliefs of others
  • to provide opportunities inside and outside the classroom for students to develop their experiences

The table below identifies activities that contribute to the cultural capital at Walton-le-Dale High School

We want our students to ASPIRE:



To develop knowledge of different countries around the world including their landscape, culture, religion

To enhance employability skills, including work experience

To provide careers information, advice and guidance

To allow all students the opportunity to have meaningful encounters with employers

To ensure all students have the opportunity to participate in ASPIRE days

To provide transition support from both KS2 to KS3 and also KS4 to KS5

To ensure that the needs of year 7 students are met through nurture groups

The opportunity to attend trips eg theatre trip, geography fieldwork, residential fieldtrips eg China, Skiing

The opportunity to participate in many extra curricular activities including sports events, technology clubs, art cub which take place after school, lunch time and break times

To create lifelong readers with a wide range of vocabulary to enable students to access the wider world

To provide intervention strategies when necessary. This include 1 to 1 sessions, group sessions

To celebrate achievement through presentation evenings, assemblies, website, classcharts


Self motivated

When necessary students will have access to counselling and other appropriate support

To develop a growth mindset and metacognition - Resilience development strategies

To participate in ASPIRE days and have the opportunity to further develop skills

The opportunity to develop their ability to work in a team inside and outside the classroom eg cooperative learning, school sports teams, ASPIRE days

The opportunity to complete the DoE award

To raise awareness of personal finance. This information will be delivered through our Learning for Life curriculum and ASPIRE days

The opportunity for students to reflect on their learning through MAD time



The opportunity for students to become prefects and demonstrate their own leadership

The opportunity to develop leadership skills within school council

To provide students with the information so that they can develop their own set of morals and decide what it is right and wrong through our curriculum and enrichment days

To allow students the opportunity to have their voice heard on many issues within our school including curriculum student voice, school council, focus groups

To encourage students to have a healthy lifestyle. This information is delivered through our curriculum including Learning for Life, PE and Food Nutrition and Preparation and also through ASPIRE days

To engage the wider community within our school environment including the Christmas party, open evenings, charity events and performances

To allow our students to represent our school community in a number of activities which include sports events, technology challenges, dance events

The opportunity to become a sports leader and participate in many activities with primary school but also to develop their leadership skills within the school context



To encourage student to have curious minds about the world in which we live through the curriculum, assemblies, enrichment days and thought for the week

The opportunity to participate in a school production eg We will rock you

To encourage students to ‘take a risk’ and demonstrate their ability to ‘think outside of the box’ inside and outside of the classroom eg ASPIRE DAYS

To develop the skill of problem solving. This can be found within our curriculum and ASPIRE days



Within form groups students elect a representative for our School Council

Question of the week – to develop awareness of social, moral and cultural aspects of our lives and others (Votes for Schools)

Assemblies – to further enhance the student’s knowledge of key dates in our history but there is also the opportunity to look to the future

The opportunity to participate in public speaking competitions eg Rotary Club competition

For all people within our community to follow Basics@WlD. This will develop mutual respect between all.

Inside and outside the classroom we develop a respect for each other demonstrating good manners in in both our body language and our communication


Having Empathy

Question of the week – to develop awareness of social, moral and cultural aspects of our lives and others (Votes for Schools)

Learning for Life curriculum to be delivered in weekly lessons

ASPIRE days – exploring issues that affect us and other citizens around the world eg Squashed Tomato challenge

Amnesty club develops awareness of issues around the world. Students within the club use their knowledge to produce campaigns to cascade this information throughout our community

Charity is close to the heart of many of our students and we undertake many activities to raise awareness and fundraise for local, national and international organisation