Curriculum Intent
The course is designed to inspire and engage learners by
providing a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course
of study which develops an understanding of the ideas and
values that characterise the self and others. Learners will be
equipped with a psychological literacy that enables them to
apply their knowledge and skills in their everyday lives,
including making informed decisions about further study and
career choices.
Learners will be encouraged to:
- Use specialist vocabulary, psychological concepts, terminology and conventions to engage in the process of psychological enquiry.
- Acquire knowledge and understanding of psychology, developing an understanding of self and others and how psychological understanding can help to explain everyday social phenomena.
- Understand how psychological research is conducted, including the role of scientific method and data analysis.
- Present information, develop arguments and draw conclusions through a critical approach to psychological evidence, developing as reflective thinkers.
- Develop an understanding of the relationship between psychology and personal, moral, social and cultural issues and develop an understanding of ethical issues in psychology.
- Develop an understanding of psychological issues, the contribution of psychology to individual, social and cultural diversity and how psychology contributes to society.
Programmes of Study
The OCR GCSE (9-1) Psychology course is a level 2 qualification. The course consists of seven units:
- Criminal Psychology
- Development
- Psychological Problems
- Research Methods
- Social Influence
- Memory
- Sleep & Dreaming
All of the units, except research methods, requires students to learn about key concepts, two key theories, two core studies and applications. Research methods focuses on the ways that psychologists investigate behaviour. Research methods and neuropsychology have been embedded throughout the course.
Marking and Assessment
Classwork and homework will be marked according to the Faculty marking policy. Exam-style questions will be assessed following the OCR mark schemes.
There are two untiered exams at the end of Year 11. Each exam is 90mins long and features multiple choice questions, short answer questions and a 13mark essay question.
Paper 1 includes Criminal Psychology, Development, Psychological Problems and Research Methods.
Paper 2 includes Social Influence, Memory, Sleep & Dreaming and Research Methods.
Revision Guides/Supporting Resources
OCR GCSE (9-1) Psychology: My Revision Notes – Mark Billington - Hodder Publishing
Students will be able to purchase this revision guide at a discounted cost through Parent Pay.
OCR GCSE (9-1) Psychology – Mark Billington & Helen Kitching - Hodder Publishing both print and eTextbook
Students will share the printed texts when required during lessons and the eTextbook will be available for their personal use at home.
Other resources will be provided as necessary.
Staff Details
GCSE Psychology is a subject within the Humanities Faculty.
Miss Halsall – Teacher of Science and Psychology
Careers and Progression
This course develops a variety of skills, including numeracy, literacy, ICT, scientific enquiry and critical thinking, that can be applied to various other qualifications. The course content also compliments other subjects, such as Sports, Health & Social Care and Biology. The skills learnt in Psychology can assist in the progression to numerous level 3 courses, including ‘A’ level Psychology, ‘A’ level Sociology, BTEC Health & Social Care, etc. An understanding of Psychology can benefit many careers, including but not limited to:
- Sports coaching;
- Teaching;
- Social work;
- Educational Psychology;
- Marketing;
- Project management;
- Journalism;
- Armed Forces;
- Medicine.