Learning for Life
Curriculum Intent
Our School’s aims and priorities for our students are to ensure that they understand that Learning is for Life and not just for the time they are with us. We want to nurture and develop our students into well rounded individuals. To ensure that they respect themselves, each other and the community and environment that they live in. We want them to believe in themselves to acknowledge their strengths, weaknesses to continue to learn from mistakes and to value everyone they meet on a daily basis, so see the good in people and to treat people with respect.
As a school we thrive on working together in partnership with students, parents, carers, colleagues, visitors and other professionals to provide every opportunity for our students to excel and be the best that they can be. We recognise that this is only possible if students are safe and are able to make safe decisions. We believe that an in-depth PSHE programme is vital in preparing our students to make and carry out these decisions.
Our Learning for Life programme provides learning that makes an essential contribution to:
• Reducing or removing barriers to learning – by providing learning that promotes positive relationships and thus supports young people in reaching their full potential.
• Developing the key concepts, knowledge and understanding, language, skills and strategies that enable young people to make positive lifestyle choices, now and in their future
• Developing the key concepts and skills that both support academic learning (for example, team working that encourages more effective group enquiry) and transcend it (for example, building resilience and developing entrepreneurial skills), and that are essential to employability in a rapid changing global economy.
Programmes of Study
PSHE & RSE will be delivered on a rolling programme. The Learning for Life programme is designed with our students in mind and is built on a spiral curriculum. There are three core themes set out by the PSHE association, which we have subsequently split into six sub themes to ensure that the content is thoroughly covered. The curriculum is subject to change due to constantly changing national attitudes, pictures and updates, data from our local area, and what our students experience both in and out of school. This ensures our programme of study is moulded to the needs of our students. The table below is an overview of this year’s Programme of study which is constantly evolving.
Core Theme |
Core Theme 1 Health & Well-Being |
Core Theme 2 Relationships |
Core Theme 3 Living in the Wider World |
Sub Theme |
Staying Safe |
Health & Well-Being |
Relationships and Sex Education |
Celebrating Diversity & Equality |
Rights, Responsibilities and British Values |
Life beyond School |
Term |
1.1 |
1.2 |
2.1 |
2.2 |
3.1 |
3.2 |
Year 7 |
Transition and safety
Financial decision making
Health and puberty
Building relationships
Citizenship Politics, parliament and me
Year 8 |
Community and careers
Emotional wellbeing
Drugs and alcohol
Citizenship Law Crime & Society,
Identity and relationships
Year 9 |
Respectful relationships
Citizenship Community & Diversity |
Peer influence, substance use and gangs
Intimate relationships
Setting goals Employability skills
Healthy lifestyle
Year 10 |
Mental health
Exploring influence
Healthy relationships
Citizenship Exploring British Values & World Issues |
Addressing extremism and radicalisation
Financial decision making
Year 11 |
Communication in Relationships
Building for the future
Life Beyond School and Financial Management |
Supporting Resources
Supporting Resources
Staff Details
Mrs R. Sweeney – PSHE coordinator