WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 24th September 2021
Good afternoon, It has been another busy, but successful week. The school week was interrupted for students by a staff training day - our Teaching and Learning Conference...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 17th September 2021
Good afternoon, Many thanks to the students who helped on Open Evening on Monday - they were a credit to themselves, their families and the school. All 720 tickets went very swiftly and it was a great evening. We are well aware that lots of people wanted to come and...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 10th September 2021
Good afternoon, It has been a busy, but very productive week settling back into the routines of school life. I have been taking assemblies all week focused on our ASPIRE ethos (Achieving, Self-Motivated, Positive,...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 3rd September 2021
Good afternoon, It has been wonderful to welcome back Years 8, 10 and 11 along with our new Year 7s over the last couple of days and I am looking forward to seeing Year 9 on Monday. The COVID testing has been going smoothly. Year 7 - After school...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Thursday 26th August 2021
Good afternoon, I hope that you and your family have had a chance to have some time to relax in some way over the past few weeks. I fully appreciate that this is an uncertain time for many people. As we look forward to receiving students back, and to welcoming our new Year 7...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Tuesday 20th July 2021
Good morning, This is just a short final update to thank all parents and carers for your support of the school during a very challenging year. I will be in touch with practical updates as we approach the start of the new school year - please note the practical notices on...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 16th July 2021
Good afternoon, Many thanks to everyone who attended the virtual awards evening yesterday and congratulations to all the students whose achievements and efforts were celebrated. It has been a difficult year for everyone so it is lovely to celebrate the successes of our young...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 9th July 2021
Good afternoon, It has been lovely to see many of Year 10 return this morning for their Sports Day (and to have some reasonable weather!). Work experience has gone very well, both physically and virtually. Our "500 miile walk" in memory of Tim Hindle has been a...
WLD Update for Parents and Carers - Sunday 4th July 2021
Good afternoon, Year 10 work experience: This week (beginning tomorrow Monday 5th July) is Year 10 work experience week where no Year 10s are in school until their Sports Day on Friday. They are all working either physically or virtually on their work...
WLD Update for Parents and Carers - Sunday 27th June 2021
Firstly, apologies for sending two updates in a short space of time - I missed a couple of things off the version on Friday: ASPIRE day 3 will take place tomorrow (Monday 28th June) - notice from Mrs Wall: Students must come in full school uniform and with...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers Friday 25th June 2021
Good afternoon, Thankfully we have had no further COVID cases coming into school this week. Year 10 exams have been exceptionally positive - the attitude of the students has been exceptional. We are sorting out opportunities for students who have been self-isolating to...
WLD Update for Parents and Carers - Sunday 20th June 2021
Good afternoon, Support for our students is a vital part of our work. The NSPCC has recently updated their guidance on online safety and on