"Pupils are proud to attend this school. They described the support and care from staff as the main reason that they enjoy school and feel safe."  Ofsted report March 2022

I am pleased to share with you our most recent Ofsted report. I am delighted that the report starts with the following sentence "Pupils are proud to attend this school. They described the support and care from staff as the main reason that they enjoy school and feel safe."  As a school whose ethos is about educating and caring for each individual student I am very pleased that the inspection team picked this up so strongly during their visit.  We are described as "a welcoming school where all are included", which is lovely.

As you will see from the report the behaviour and attitude of students was graded as good - "Pupils behave well. Any instances of poor behaviour are dealt with quickly . Pupils’ behaviour does not disrupt their learning in classes. They know that the consequences for poor behaviour will be applied consistently."  

Personal development comes out particularly strongly - "Leaders ensure that the provision for pupils’ personal development is of high quality. The wraparound care that leaders provide for pupils helps them to develop their wider social skills. Pupils are well supported to make decisions about their future due to the attention that leaders give to careers advice and guidance."

The leadership and management of the school is considered to be good and they recognised the changes that have been made over the last few years - "Leaders have made many improvements at the school since the previous inspection, especially to pupils’ behaviour and personal development."

During the inspection the inspectors described our curriculum as highly ambitious for all students and were positive about its implementation in lessons.  They clearly said that we were doing all the right things; in some areas there was not yet full evidence of impact on student progress. 

So whilst there is much to be pleased about, we do need to take further steps to improve the progress of students further. 

Vicky Ardern


Ofsted report

Previous Ofsted reports can be found at https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/23/119743