"...the review continued to demonstrate the school’s superb, naturally ingrained inclusive ethos." (IQM Flagship Review July 2020)

At Walton-le-Dale, we believe education can change young people’s lives. We also believe that education is for life and is more than preparing students for exams. We want our students to leave with the best exam results possible, but we also want them to leave us as well rounded people. We want our students to live effectively, now and in the future, as individuals, members of groups and in society at large, with due respect for their community and the environment.

We acknowledge that every person is unique, with individual strengths and weaknesses, needs, likes and dislikes, regardless of age, sex, race or ability and we seek to value everyone equally. As a learning community Walton-le-Dale prides itself on concern for the individual. Each person is unique, with their own individual strengths. We value everyone equally.

As a small school we are able to form strong positive relationships with each other. These relationships are at the heart of what we do and achieve together.

"Pupils said that this is a welcoming school where all are included"  Ofsted report 2022

We ask three things of our students and staff:

  • To work to the best of their ability, having pride in themselves and their work.
  • To challenge themselves, taking risks in pushing themselves further than they thought might be possible.
  • To show respect for others and be supportive of the needs and rights of others.

We believe these three principles form the basis for the way in which we do things at Walton-le-Dale.