A warm welcome to Walton-le-Dale High School. We hope this website will provide you with a true flavour of what our school is about.
We are a small school (around 780 students) and get to know each other very well. We are recognised locally and nationally as a truly inclusive school where we value each and every one of our students as an individual. We believe that all children should be treated as such, and that it is our job to make sure that they develop their individual talents to the full.
Our core aim is to create a happy, secure and caring environment that enables students to learn and mature. We want our students to work hard, achieve their best and develop a sense of responsibility towards themselves and others. We want our students to strive for excellence in all that they do. We want our students to feel proud of their school and of themselves.
Walton-le-Dale has improved a great deal in recent years. We will continue to improve, because we challenge ourselves and our students to meet the high standards we are convinced you, as parents, wish to see. For details of our plans for school improvement please see https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/about-us/school-improvement.
We also know that education is a partnership between home and school. We cannot succeed without your help and active support.