4 July 2021
Good afternoon,
Year 10 work experience: This week (beginning tomorrow Monday 5th July) is Year 10 work experience week where no Year 10s are in school until their Sports Day on Friday. They are all working either physically or virtually on their work experience. All instructions have been emailed to them. Any questions please contact Miss Royal, our work experience and careers co-ordinator who has worked tirelessly to make this week happen against significant odds! Her email address is k.royal@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk.
Sports Week: Just like work experience, it is lovely to see Sports Week taking place as we try to return to "normal". We can't mix the year groups so each year has their own Sports Day this week (Year 11 Monday, Year 7 Tuesday, Year 8 Wednesday, Year 9 Thursday, Year 10 Friday). Thanks to Mr Moore and the PE department for organising the week and thanks to everyone who is helping to make it happen! We just need the weather now....
Virtual Primary Day: This was a brilliant day! All the sessions are recorded and on the website at https://waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/virtual-primary-day-2021. Please feel free to have a look and to share the link with any friends who have primary age children (or any primary school staff who you know). It was aimed at Year 5, but is appropriate to most of the year groups in junior school.
Reminder to Year 9 Parents/Carers: 2nd dose HPV Vaccine on Tuesday, 6th July.
Notice to year 7 Parents/Carers: Emails have been sent out notifying all year 7 parents/carers of their new forms and form tutor for year 8.
Virtual Awards Evening: Because of the pandemic, as with so many other things, we aren't going to be able to have our usual Awards Evening for Years 7 to 10 at the end of this term where hundreds of families gather in the Sports Hall. Instead we will be making the presentations virtually at our Virtual Awards Evening on Thursday 15th July 7-8pm - the link is here.
PE: Just a reminder for all students that PE kit must be brought to school, even if they are injured, they must still bring their kit. This has been the rule for many years.
Have a good week and many thanks for your support. In my bulletin to staff I have said that kindness is the key quality of these last few weeks of term - kindness to ourselves and to each other as we reach the end of this strangest of school years.
Best wishes
James Harris,
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates