3 September 2021
Good afternoon,
It has been wonderful to welcome back Years 8, 10 and 11 along with our new Year 7s over the last couple of days and I am looking forward to seeing Year 9 on Monday. The COVID testing has been going smoothly.
Year 7 - After school football starts Tuesday, 7th September.
Years 7 & 11 - Tempest Photography will be in school on Friday, 17th September for the years 7 and 11 photographs.
All year groups
Return of late buses: the late buses return next week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays only until further notice to support extra-curricular activities.
Homework Support returns on Monday, 6th September - every day after school in A7, no booking required; however the late buses will run Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. All year groups welcome - staff support students from across the school with their homework during these sessions;
Open Evening Monday 13th September - reminder that school will close at 12:20 on that day to allow for relevant preparations. Tickets are going swiftly for this event so please ask anyone who you know who may be interested to book soon through our website.
Have a good weekend,
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates