3 September 2021

Image of Autumn Term - 6th September 2021

Whole School CPD Focus:

Re-establishing good behaviour and relationships

Walkthru Cluster:


‘Establish Your Expectations’ (pg 38) plus Teacher Workbook


Starting Point (10 minutes)



Thoughtful Icons - Download Free Vector Icons | Noun ProjectReflection:

In his blog post entitled ‘Great Teaching. The Power of Expectations’, Sherrington reminds readers of the need to establish expectations from the get-go and to be relentless in enforcing them.  As Bill Rogers said, ‘you establish what you establish’.


A range of structures and mechanisms are in place to facilitate standards being upheld and standards being high.  However, there is a need to move back a stage further.  Every single interaction and expectation within our classrooms must be considered and unpicked. 


For example, let’s take uniform. We expect students to have their shirts neatly tucked into trousers or skirts – without exception. We all spend time in our day asking students to tuck in shirts.  Is the result that all students have shirts neatly tucked in?  Why is this the case?  By allowing gaps to form within our expectations, they gently begin to erode.


Think about presentation of work.  Sloppy, illegible handwriting, headings lacking underlining or unannotated self-assessment will remain unresolved issues if high standards are not upheld and work is re-submitted to a better standard. 


Whether we are outlining our expectations in terms of uniform, equipment or learning, Bill Rogers sums it up succinctly: we establish what we establish.


[This post goes on to unpick the elements of establishing expectations linked to behaviour management, curriculum content, responsive questioning and standard of student work]



CPD Cascade


How to guide for archiving Teams (attached to TLD email)



Feedback from a course completed last academic year exploring the question: Is technology really the future? What are the strengths and limitations of using educational technology to enhance teaching and learning? (feedback attached)



Teams update video https://youtube.com/watch?v=y1XYvIjX7Kw&feature=share



Stephen Fry video promotion of using subtitles to enhance reading




Posted by Rachel Long

Category: Teaching and Learning Digests

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