10 September 2021
Good afternoon,
It has been a busy, but very productive week settling back into the routines of school life. I have been taking assemblies all week focused on our ASPIRE ethos (Achieving, Self-Motivated, Positive, Imaginative, Respectful and having Empathy) with a current focus on Being Here, Working Hard and Being Kind. We are a calm, well-ordered, settled place - that is essential for the mental health of all of us - students and staff, particularly at this sometimes uncertain and unsettled time. Year 7 have made a great start to their time here and it has been lovely to see all the year groups mixing as they move around the school and at break and lunchtimes. It feels as if we are gradually getting back to normal....
Open Evening: Please remember that we close at 12.20 on Monday as that is the day of our Open Evening. We released 720 tickets for that event and they had all gone by Wednesday evening so, if you know someone who is disappointed not to be able to attend, please let them know that we will be releasing tickets on Tuesday morning (14th) for tours during the school day.
Medical appointments: Please avoid taking time out of school for appointments wherever possible. We understand that certain appointments cannot be avoided (hospital, orthodontist), and full days for medical appointments will not be authorised unless under special circumstances such as medical/dental procedures. Evidence is required for any medical appointments, this can be a screenshot emailed to: e.gorrill@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk or attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk. Many thanks for your cooperation.
Netball: Please be aware of the following arrangements for netball training: Year 7 netball - Tuesday after school; Years 8, 9, 10, 11 - Wednesday after school
New website for parents to help their children catch-up: The Department for Education has launched an information site for parents, to support children of all age ranges and abilities catch up on lost learning from the pandemic. The site features advice and support for parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). https://educationcatchup.campaign.gov.uk/
Parent/carer involvement: We are very grateful for the ways in which parents and carers contribute towards the life of Walton-le-Dale. We have a panel of parents/carers who provide their opinions on teaching and learning - you provide your opinions online via questionnaires (currently 6 times per year). Likewise we are very fortunate to have a number of parents/carers as school governors and we currently have a couple of vacancies. If you are interested in helping in either capacity, please contact me on head@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk for an informal discussion.
Years 8, 9, 10, 11 - Notice to all students issued with a DFE laptop: We are asking all those students who have been issued with a DFE laptop during both lockdowns to return them to school as soon as possible. This is to enable Mr Harvey to carry out necessary software upgrades as we have been notified the laptops will cease to work after 30th September. We are asking parents to return the laptops with the student's name taped to it. We will then inform parents once they have been upgraded and are ready to collect from school (hopefully within 7-10 days).
Year 7: Classcharts codes have been issued to parents via schoolcomms and the student codes have been sent to the ICT Teachers for students to login during their ICT lessons this week. Any issues please email classcharts@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
Year 7: As part of finding out about our new Year 7s we do some online assessments of them during the couple of weeks beginning 20th Sept. These cannot be revised or prepared for and please reassure your son or daughter that they are to give us more information so that we know how to teach them as well as possible.
Years 7 & 11: Reminder that Tempest Photography will be in school on Friday, 17th September for the years 7 and 11 photographs.
Homework Support: This runs every day after school in A7, no booking required; however the late buses will run Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. All year groups welcome - staff support students from across the school with their homework during these sessions;
Best wishes and have a good weekend,
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates