10 September 2021

Image of Autumn Term 13th September 2013

Whole School CPD Focus:

Re-establishing good behaviour and relationships

Walkthru Cluster:


‘Signal-Pause-Insist’ (page 40) plus the Teacher Workbook



Starting Point (3 minutes)


View from rom 4 mins 13 seconds




One week in to the new academic year and teachers are working hard within their classrooms to establish new and existing routines.  Each one of them has one common aim: to establish positive relationships and tight routines to allow the most effective teaching and learning to occur.


Looking back to last week and the motto coined by Bill Rogers, ‘we establish what we establish’, this week’s Walkthru ‘Signal-Pause-Insist’ should be a powerful tool in the armoury of maintaining expectations.


On face value, this Walkthru seems like common sense.  It really is.  Essentially, Sherrington explains that a teacher may decide to SIGNAL by saying ‘3-2-1’; they may then PAUSE and wait for silence; and then they would INSIST on silence.  This all sounds easy and part of our every -day practice. 


However, Sherrington unpicks the nuances of each stage in detail and this is where his five-stage Walkthrus really do offer help to even the most experience classroom teacher.  He makes the implicit, explicit, by adding in the rehearsal stage.  Teachers are asked to model and rehearse how they would like students to transition from independent/group work to teacher instruction.  After all, teachers model academic work using WAGOLLs and scaffolds but how many actually model behaviour?  Furthermore, Sherrington goes on to outline how important it is for teachers to wait – wait- wait for absolute silence.  PAUSE for however long it takes.


In last week’s Walkthru Wednesday, Walton le Dale teachers discussed this approach and decided that the elements worthy of practice are the REHEARSAL and PAUSE elements. 


SIGNAL-PAUSE-INSIST should create a calm and purposeful learning space, allowing students and teachers to think and adapt their teaching and learning in response to the exchanges within the lesson.


CPD Cascade

Pastoral Top Tip

Attached. Many thanks. 

Posted by Rachel Long

Category: Teaching and Learning Digests

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