25 June 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Friday 25th June 2021

Good afternoon,

Thankfully we have had no further COVID cases coming into school this week.  Year 10 exams have been exceptionally positive - the attitude of the students has been exceptional.  We are sorting out opportunities for students who have been self-isolating to sit their exams on an individual basis as they return.  It is likely that we will run exam catchup sessions as they return from work experience if we cannot fit the papers that have been missed into next week.  Year 10 exams run from Tuesday to Thursday next week.  Monday is an ASPIRE day where the usual lessons are suspended and aspects of the wider curriculum such as PSHE and careers are tackled.

There are a few items relating to welcoming our new Year 7 intake:

  • Form tutors: Information has been sent out regarding forms/form tutors/tie colour 
  • Virtual Intake Evening :  This is on Wed 30th June, 4pm-7pm with a "live" talk from me between 5-5.30pm.  If you have not received this link please email Mrs Hodgson on l.hodgson@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
  • Summer School: If you have not already signed your child up, please see the link here on our website.

Year 9 Triple Science:  Reminder to the 30 students who have been sent a link regarding Triple Science. Thank you if you have already submitted this form, but if not please can you do so by 3pm on Monday, 28th June.  Any questions about this please contact Miss Balmforth, Head of Science, on e.balmforth@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk

Year 9:  Reminder that it's the year 9 HPV 2nd injection on Tuesday, 6th July in school.

Year 10: The small group of students who were sent home last week to self-isolate are due back in school on Monday, 28th June.  We have had no further cases this week.

Year 10 GCSE PE Revision session:  This is on Wednesday, 30th June after school

Work Experience and Sports Week:  This is from Monday 5th July and will include a 500 mile walk in memory of Tim Hindle.  For information and a link to donate to an excellent cause please see https://waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/news/2021-06-21-tim-hindle-500-mile-walk
Have a good weekend...

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates