School provision for children of NHS staff and those on free school meals
It is essential to provide support for workers in the NHS at this time. We are therefore sending a text message to all parents/carers asking if you work in the NHS and need your child to attend school despite us possibly being closed for that year group. ...
Partial School Closure
Wednesday 18th March - Partial School Closure Good evening. As I said in my update on Sunday, one of the reasons for school closure under these unprecedented...
WLD Update Sunday 15th March 2020
We are living in an uncertain and challenging period of time. All of us will be worried and concerned about our families, ourselves, our friends and our communities in the light of the recent spread of the coronavirus, Covid-19. As you’re probably aware, the...
Coronavirus update
In response to a few queries we have received this morning in regards to the Coronavirus, the information provided to school from Public Health England is: Wash your hands with soap and water: after breaks or sports activities before cooking...
WLD Update Sunday 8th March 2020
On the 2nd of January I used national information to write about the important of attendance at school. We are having a focus on attendance over the next few weeks and we will trial...
WLD Update Sunday 1st March 2020
It is my pleasure and privilege to take all the assemblies in the first week in each half-term. This week I have been talking about kindness and the contrast between the online cruelty that led to the much-publicised death of Caroline Flack and the kindness,...
WLD Update Sunday 23rd February 2020
I know from experience that half-term is not a break for parents & carers so I hope that you have managed to have a some positive time over the last few days. We look forward to seeing everyone back at the normal time tomorrow (Monday). Year 11...
League Tables
The Lancashire Evening Post have published a list of schools in the Preston area, ranked by their "Progress 8" score. We do not look great on that list, to put it mildly, and therefore some clear explanation is needed. We are a highly inclusive...
WLD Update Sunday 9th February 2020
Congratulations to our Public Speaking team on their success yesterday - pictures and information here. If you have not had a moment yet to read them, please take some time to read...
WLD Update Sunday 2nd February 2020
There is wonderful news article about the way in which our students took part in a webcast with a Holocaust survivor and interviewed her. They were so impressed by what she had to say that they have written to all of us asking us to sign a petition to protect...
WLD Update Saturday 25th January 2020
Many congratulations to the Gymnastics team - Abbey, Devon, Ellen and Elliot who came 2nd in the North West Milano Competition last Saturday. Thanks to the PE department for the organisation of the event at Walton-le-Dale.
WLD Update Sunday 19th January 2020
Many congratulations to the Public Speaking team who won the area Youth Speaks competition this week - see the photograph above. We are getting a reputation for success in this area - well done to all concerned. I wrote about the importance of attendance the...