1 March 2020

Image of WLD Update Sunday 1st March 2020

It is my pleasure and privilege to take all the assemblies in the first week in each half-term.  This week I have been talking about kindness and the contrast between the online cruelty that led to the much-publicised death of Caroline Flack and the kindness, empathy and generosity that has characterised the response to the floods across the country over the last couple of weeks.  Walton-le-Dale is a kind and caring community; it is one of the key reasons that I work here.  Yes, there will always be occasional issues in any community, but I am always encouraged and impressed by the countless acts of kindness that I see every day as I go about my work with staff and students. I also spoke about our purpose in being here each day - it is to work calmly on the challenges that are placed in front of us so that we can all learn.  None of us knows what tomorrow brings - we can simply commit to doing the very best at whatever is in front of us today.

Year 11:  "Doing our best at whatever is in front of us today" is particularly important for our Year 11 at this time.  This is week 2 of the revision plan and all our Year 11 should be committed to their revision each day.  A copy of the plan is on the website here.  There is a lot going on for Year 11 - college interviews, revision, finishing off courses, coursework to be completed - we all need to help them to stay focused and calm.  We know that those who work hard and work with us do very well indeed at GCSE. It goes almost without saying that we need every single Year 11 student in school every day from now until the examinations.

Thanks for your support with all the usual things for the start of the new half-term:  Correct shoes, uniform, PE kit, no piercings, no hoodies, positive attitude to classwork and homework.... none of this is new and none of it changes!  Thanks for your support in these basics of school life. 

Changes in the Science department:  Mrs Schultz is taking well-deserved retirement at the end of this school year so we are interviewing for a new Head of Science on Monday this week.  I am hoping to make a really strong appointment to continue the excellent work that Mrs Schultz has done over her many years of service to the school.

Family Support Worker:  Since June last year, Miss Shaw has been working as our Family Support Worker.  Lots of people do not know much about her role so I asked her to write something for the website - you will find it here.

Have a very good week!

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates

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