9 February 2020
Congratulations to our Public Speaking team on their success yesterday - pictures and information here.
If you have not had a moment yet to read them, please take some time to read the moving "Holocaust Monologues" that were created by our Year 8s as part of the Drama curriculum.
Year 9 Options: We have the Year 9 Options and Parents' Evening on Wednesday 12th - this is a key event for all Year 9 families. This is a key week for the Options process, with a presentation to Year 9 students on Monday afternoon and the Options evening on Wednesday. The letter outlining the process is on the website here. Please be aware that a Year 9 Parents' Evening has been on the calendar for 27th Feb - this is an error - it is combined with the Options evening on the 12th.
Review of our teaching and curriculum: Over the last couple of weeks we have been undertaking a detailed review of our curriculum and teaching to check that we are doing what we say we do. It has been a real privilege for senior staff to talk to students and teachers about the detail of learning at Walton-le-Dale. The conclusions indicate that we have made really significant progress in the last 12 months and that our focus on the quality of teaching is really "paying off". It was lovely to see how proud students are of their work and their achievements. Please remember that our curriculum is clearly outlined, for all year groups, on the website here
A repeat of a note from last week - thanks for your support with this: We pride ourselves on responding to concerns raised by parents and carers as swiftly as we can. All schools occasionally make misjudgements and mistakes and we are happy, in good faith, to address any concerns that are raised with us. That being said, we have had a couple of issues where parents/carers have been very aggressive and confrontational with staff on reception either in person or on the phone. People don't come to work to be shouted at - everyone will work together to try to solve issues raised with us, but it may take time and we don't respond more quickly to those who shout louder.
Have a very good week!
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates