Provision for SEND Students
Walton-le-Dale is a highly inclusive school and that ethos is embedded across the school. We are very proud of our Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship Status and this is integral to the life of the school.
As part of the laws concerning provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities the Local Authority is required to publish details of what it provides in the ‘local area’ for children with special needs and disabilities. You will be able to find this on the Local Authority website.
Schools are also required to publish their provision on their website. Below is an outline of our ethos and practice. However, we would strongly recommend that parents contact us to discuss the specific needs of their child.
Admission of SEN students
Full details of the admission policy for students with special needs can be found in the Local Authority's admission policy which has been adopted by the school (Lancashire is our admission authority). This is the same for all maintained schools in Lancashire. We would recommend that parents discuss the needs of their child with us as early as possible as we pride ourselves on our support for all students. Our SENCO is Miss J Mayor, who can be contacted via the main school contact details.
Complaints relating to SEND provision
While such complaints are very rare at Walton-le-Dale High School we deal with SEND complaints in a graduated response.
All SEND complaints will initially be dealt with by Paula Wall - Deputy Headteacher who will invite parents into school to discuss identified issues. If these cannot be resolved any other relevant staff will be included in meetings and communication. The student concerned will also be involved at relevant times.
Unresolved issues can then be discussed with SEND officer allocated to the school and any other relevant parties.
Parents can also make representation to the link governor for SEND and chair of governors. Our overall complaints policy can be found on our Policies page.
Disability Equality Scheme & Accessibility Plan
This is available on our Equality Page - .
Lancashire Local Offer
You will find the Local Offer leaflet below. A very good source of information is the Lancashire Local Offer Facebook page - you will find it at
For students resident in Blackburn, the local offer can be found at this link
Lancashire Newsletter (FIND)
The Lancashire newsletter (FIND) for parent & carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can be found in the documents below
Support for SEND students on returning to school
Lancashire SEND Information Advice and Support Team (SENDIAS) are offering free advice and courses for parents to help prepare children with SEN to return to school during the coronavirus pandemic. You will find the advice on their Facebook page here.
Comments from parents (July 2020)
"My son was diagnosed with Tourettes Syndrome and severe anxiety whilst at primary school. WLD handled his transition to high school extremely well and have worked with him, and us as parents very closely ever since. As parents, we are so glad that we chose WLD for our son and how they have worked to develop him over the past 3 years. The communication between key staff and us as parents has been great. Our son has benefitted from the school being able to make small adjustments to his school day, often un-noticed by other students, which has made his school experience much easier for him to handle. I can't recommend the school enough!"
"Our son, [] started Walton Le Dale High school in September 2019, in year 7. He is on the autistic spectrum and throughout his 7 years of primary school he had a 1:1. We were anxious about him entering high school - he has had an amazing year. The support he has had and the communication home from the head of year 7, Miss Bailey, his form tutor (Miss Main) and the Senco team has been of the highest professional standard, showing genuine care for and understanding of his needs. Then lockdown happened and the support didn’t stop. We have had constant support and communication from school. It's a shame [] is not in a position to appreciate the amazing environment he is in! An example of their inclusiveness for [] - he has sensory issues and will not wear trousers - shorts have been acceptable. School have reiterated; if he is happy, he will learn. Also, French was making him anxious and uncomfortable. Before we had time to approach school, they had already put a plan down ready to action on our acceptance to deal with this situation. We were delighted."
"My child, with SEN, has been welcomed and incorporated into the whole school, be it classes or clubs. The teachers and staff at WLD have found ways to make things accessible where he might normally struggle, so he feels and is included, a very different environment from his previous school where he became increasingly isolated.”
“From personal experience, nothing is too much for the school, they are caring of each individual pupil, and celebrate everyone's successes, support those who need help and as a whole very approachable.”
SEND diagnostic review (July 2020)
We are very proud of our provision for students with SEND. In order to confident that our provision is in line with best practice in the country we commissioned a SEND diagnostic review which tool place in July 2020. It was carried out by Sue Allen, Head of Oakfield High School and College, part of the Aspire Federation. It was very detailed and very positive and you can find the detailed review in the documents below. Alongside the strengths identified, the key actions were
- Focus on less key priorities, maybe 3. Use evidence based research to support the whole school SEND priorities.
- The school should establish a system of SEND monitoring. The SENDCO and SLT link should complete learning walks, work scrutiny, pupil voice to share best practice and identify areas of development for teaching staff with the department leaders.
- The SENDCO should work alongside department leads to further develop curriculum, schemes of work and long term plans to provide; personalisation, accessibility and flow, to best support mastery of concepts and pupil progress.
This was an exceptionally useful and informative review and we are underway with the key actions.