"Leaders make sure that there is equality of opportunity for all pupils at the school." Ofsted report 2022
Walton-le-Dale is an inclusive school where every individual child is important. Our vision and ethos includes the statement:
We acknowledge that every person is unique with individual strengths and weaknesses, needs, likes and dislikes, regardless of age, sex, race or ability and we seek to value everyone equally
This philosophy also extends to our staff and everyone who enters our school
Formally, we carefully consider and analyse the impact of our policies on equality and the possible implications for pupils with protected characteristics, as part of our commitment to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.
We recognise the importance of equality in all its forms by beginning work towards achieving the Lancashire Equality Mark. This gives us a framework within which to benchmark ourselves against the best possible practice.
Equality Information