Additional funding for students identified as being disadvantaged

It is a very important part of our ethos that students are treated as individuals and that we work hard to overcome their barriers to learning, whatever they may be.  All the evidence from our pupil premium reviews and from national research tells us that ensuring the high attendance of all students is vital and that, once they are in school. the biggest impact is the quality of teaching that they receive.  We therefore commit the majority of our additional funding to support those priorities.  The impact in terms of narrowing the gaps is clear to see from the following charts - our disadvantaged students have seen improvement to both attainment and progress between 2022 and 2023.


There is no comparable data for 2020/21 due to the cancellation of GCSE exams due to the pandemic.

The government has allocated Catch-up Premium funding to support children and young people to catch up lost time after school closure. This is especially important for those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds.  A detailed plan is in the documents below. Progress will be monitored through the school's usual reporting system.

The documents below provide details of how we spend our Pupil Premium (PP) grant and the latest evaluation of our strategies.  Our PP strategy is evaluated and amended for each academic year.

All our plans link together - the basis is the school improvement plan, which links to these plans for disadvantaged students and the Inclusion Quality mark plan - they work together to further improve our school for all our students.


Pupil Premium