School email address if you need help during school hours  -

School mobile number if you need help during school hours - 07931 097281


We cannot offer direct safeguarding support during the school holidays or at weekends - use the following contact details at these times:

Police - Ring 101 or 999 as appropriate depending upon the urgency of the concern

YoungMinds Crisis Messenger - Free 24/7 mental health support - Text YM to 85258 email on

Childline - Contact 24/7 about how you’re feeling no matter the issue. 1-2-1 chat online, on the phone, email. Games and Advice.

Call free on 0800 1111 email

Samaritans - Contact 24/7 about how you’re feeling. Call free on 116 123 or go to

NHS Chathealth - Totally anonymous and confidential health advice service -  Mon-Fri 9-5

Blackburn & Darwen Text – 07507330509              Preston, Chorley, Lancashire Text - 07507330510

Online abuse – Click CEOP - Are you worried about online abuse or online communication? - Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people until 1pm

Mind mental health support -