WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Monday 4th January 2021
Good afternoon, Thank you to everyone - parents/carers, students and staff - who have enabled us to teach remotely today. I know that it is strange, challenging and different, but the overwhelming majority of our students have engaged well. Our youngest students, our...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers Sunday 3rd January 2021
Happy New Year! Let's hope 2021 is positive for all of us. I have recorded this update as a video message or you can read it below. The written version contains the links and email addresses that I mention in the video, The text of the...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers - plans for the next few weeks
Good afternoon, Firstly, best wishes for as Happy a New Year as possible under these challenging circumstances! Let's hope that 2021 is a more positive year for all of us. Many of you will have seen the government's announcements yesterday about...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers of Years 7 to 10 - start of term 2021
Good afternoon, As you will be aware from my update on Friday, the government wants to minimise the number of students in secondary schools until the 11th January. To do this, we have been instructed that Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 will be taught remotely for the first week of the...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers Friday 18th December 2020
Firstly, and most importantly, please can I wish you, your families and all who you care for a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year despite the difficult circumstances that we all face. It is a challenging time and I hope that you and your families remain safe and...
WLD Update of Parents & Carers Sunday 13th December 2020
Good afternoon, Community Christmas Party: We were unable to have our annual Community Christmas Party this year, but, thanks to Mrs Heywood-Connor, Miss Knowles and others we have been able to post some
WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Last week of term and contact tracing
As I said in my weekly bulletin on Sunday all schools are in a difficult position with regards to self-isolation over the coming couple of weeks: We are required by the government to stay open until the end of term; We are required to carry out contact...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers Sunday 6th December 2020
Good afternoon, COVID: Last week we had to send Year 11 home to self-isolate until tomorrow (Monday) and today I have received notification of a positive case in Year 9 (information is being sent to Year 9 families separately). The incidence of the virus...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers Sunday 29th November 2020
Good afternoon, A few administrative matters this afternoon.... Bus timetables: Please be aware that the timings for the 501 - 505 buses are are on the...
Additional WLD Update for Year 10 Parents and Carers Monday 23rd November 2020
Good morning, I forgot to mention on my general parent & carer update yesterday that we have been reviewing the progress of Year 10 in the core subjects (Maths, English and Science). Based on that evaluation, after half a term or so of Year 10, we have decided to re-set...
WLD Update for Parents & Carers Sunday 22nd November 2020
Good afternoon, Safe, calm, stable school environment: Many thanks for the positive messages that I received following my video message last weekend. A calm, well-ordered, stable environment in school is essential for staff and student mental health...
Additional update for Parents & Carers Sunday 15th November 2020
Good afternoon and apologies for the second update, but there are some administrative notices which are important to include this week: Reminder for year 7 nasal flu vaccine. Thursday, 3rd December: Thank you if you have returned your e-consent form but in case you...