4 January 2021
Good afternoon,
Thank you to everyone - parents/carers, students and staff - who have enabled us to teach remotely today. I know that it is strange, challenging and different, but the overwhelming majority of our students have engaged well. Our youngest students, our Year 7s, have been the ones who have found it most challenging and this is probably because of the fact that they were not with us during last year's lockdown and are the least used to the technology. As the week progresses I am sure that they will get more used to the way in which remote learning works through Teams and the other parts of Office 365.
Self-motivation, Respect and being Positive are all parts of the ASPIRE summary of our ethos. These are characteristics which all our students need in order to engage well with online learning. We have had a very small number of instances, amongst the younger students, of individuals using the technology inappropriately - for example posting inappropriate messages. Please have a word with your son or daughter about this - everything on Teams is logged and recorded and will be used as evidence if the technology is being used inappropriately. We do not accept bullying or insults in any form at all. If your son or daughter find themselves in a conversation with other students that is not appropriate they should remove themselves from the group immediately. Secondly, student cameras should remain off - this is important for the safeguarding of everyone. Their teachers will remind them of this tomorrow. Thirdly, and more positively, staff will be making good use of Classcharts to reward good participation and work done remotely, just as they would if students were in school. On the other hand staff will be using Classcharts to notify you of any misuse of the technology so that you can speak to your son or daughter as appropriate.
So, overall, a good first day with lots of learning going on. We know it is tough, and we wait to hear what Boris Johnson says tonight, but very best wishes to you and all you care for.
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates