5 January 2021
Good afternoon,
Following my update yesterday and my email yesterday evening just a brief update today:
Year 11: We are very aware of the concern and upset caused by last night's announcement that Year 11 examinations would not run as normal this year. There is, as yet, no indication of what will replace them. To help ease the minds of our Year 11 I sent them a brief video message this morning. Year 11 parents and carers might find it useful to watch and to talk to your son or daughter about so you will find it online here.
Free School Meals: We are sending a message to all those families eligible for Free School Meals explaining how the meals work during this lockdown following the guidance that we have received from the government today.
Laptops: We have applied for an allocation of laptops for students from the government to support remote learning. We will release further information once we have received them.
Best wishes and stay safe....
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates