13 December 2020
Good afternoon,
Community Christmas Party: We were unable to have our annual Community Christmas Party this year, but, thanks to Mrs Heywood-Connor, Miss Knowles and others we have been able to post some short videos of song, dance, music and readings - Happy Christmas to everyone!
Last week of term and contact tracing: Please make sure that you have read the update about the issues around student attendance and disruption to plans for Christmas that I sent out in the middle of last week. Friday is a short day - the buses will leave at 12.20pm.
Self-isolation: If students are sent home to isolate, then in line with guidance from the Lancashire Health Protection Team, they need to stay off for the whole isolation period, regardless of whether they have a negative Covid test.
Wipes and safety: As has been the case since September, please make sure that your son or daughter has a pack of wipes in their bag in order to assist with ensuring that their environment is safe. These are part of the standard equipment for students during the pandemic.
Message from Mr Moore to his Year 11 Sport class: Just a gentle reminder that your son or daughter needs to hand in their completed final version of the Sports Leadership Assignment to Mr Moore on Monday, 14th December. Mr Moore has spoken to your child regarding this.
Ofsted visit: The letter from Ofsted resulting from their remote visit earlier in the term has been published on their website. It is quite bland as it does not make any judgements - this was a research visit into the ways in which schools have responded to the pandemic.
Traffic at the front of school: We are a popular and busy school which leads to some congestion at the front of school at the start and end of the day, despite the slightly staggered start and finish times. Please would car drivers make sure that you are very aware of pedestrians - concerns have been expressed by people who are passing the school on foot with young children at "drop-off" time in the morning.
Guidance on final examinations in 2021: I emailed all Year 11s last week with a link to the new guidance - parents/carers may want to have a look as well - there is a useful BBC news item and some official guidance.
Best wishes and stay safe,
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates