Hello and welcome to Walton-le-Dale High School! We are delighted that your son or daughter is joining this very special school community. We know that parents and carers have a lot of questions about the practicalities of school life so we have designed our website to try to make sure that everything is here. If you find some information that you need isn't here, please just email us on head@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk and we will be happy to answer your query.
To help you access the information quickly we have provided a list of the most common topics and made sure that they link to the relevant pages on the website:
Our ethos - this underpins everything
Communicating with us
- Communication between home and school - including reporting absence. You will get Classcharts and School Gateway login information once your child has started with us.
The people who make it all happen
Important dates and times
The practicalities of being part of WLD
Some of the support that we offer
Policies - the way that the school runs
There are a number of forms that need to be completed when you join our school - these are all completed online by clicking on the links below. These links apply to the new Year 7 intake for Sept 2023 - if you are joining the school at another point or in another year group then Mrs Hodgson (l.hodgson@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk) will send you the correct links.
- Data Collection Sheet – collates parent/student contact information
- Name and Photograph permission form - permission for taking and using photos, permission for using names
- Trip Consent Form – medical consent form for trips
- e-safety policy – agreement to follow e-safety guidelines
- Blackburn/Preston Bus Pass information – if your child will be travelling on any of the school buses
There are several school systems for which you will need login information:
- ParentPay - activation details will be emailed directly around early June for new Year 7 starters. Once you have activated your Parentpay account you will be able to pay for all uniform, lunches, trips etc. (Uniform can be ordered via the website without parentpay activation).
- Classcharts - you will receive information about this once your child starts at school;
- School Gateway - you can register for this once your child starts at school.
Once again, welcome to Walton-le-Dale! We know that this looks like a lot of information at once, but please contact us if you would like help in any way. We look forward to meeting you.
Additional information for new starters