At Walton-le-Dale we have always responded as swiftly as we can to any concerns or requests for information.  Our doors have always been open for parents & carers to arrive and talk to one of us about any issues.  We consider that this quality of communication is vital in the best interests of our students and their families.
Contact from school to home

  • We will continue to use the website as the key source of information about the school
  • Our social media – Facebook and Twitter – will signpost any updates to the website.
  • We will continue to use email as the main means of communicating with parents and carers
  • We will, as always, use the phone when the matter is urgent (e.g. a medical issue) or when there is a need to have a more extended discussion.
  • We have introduced Classcharts as the main means of communicating about awards, positive and negative behaviour and sanctions.  We use Classcharts to communicate about homework, alongside our conventional paper planner.

The following apps are useful to install on parent/carer and student phones.

Contact from home to school

  • Email is definitely the best way to communicate with us for non-urgent messages.  Your first point of contact should be your House Achievement Leader (HAL):
    • Apollo       
    • Challenger
    • Discovery 
    • Endeavour
    • Voyager   


  • Messages sent into school through the School Gateway app are free and will be monitored between 8.30am and 4.30pm and forwarded to the relevant member of staff.
  • Please report student absence via Classcharts or School Comms only.  
  • Parentpay is the system that we use for payment for uniform, food, trips… and can be accessed through the school website.
  • The school phone will be answered between 8am and 4.00pm Mon to Thurs and 8am to 3.30pm on a Friday.  Messages left outside these hours will be checked between 8 and 8.30am. It will generally not be possible to speak to a particular member of staff immediately due to the fact that they will be working with our students.  Messages taken will be emailed to the member of staff who will return calls when they can.  

 Some of the recent letters and bulletin updates (sent out by email) are below:

WLD Bulletin
