15 May 2022

Image of Careers Assemblies

Miss Royal, our Careers Co-ordination, writes

“This week we have had a variety of careers focused assemblies with guest speakers coming in to deliver presentations. Representatives from the world of work, delivered talks to Year 7 and Year 8, offering an insight into their roles and career pathways. A huge thank you to Helen Kavanagh an Engineering Manager at BAE Systems and Neil Chapman the Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Head at Mitie. These talks are extremely beneficial for students to hear about opportunities and where their education can take them, we hope to see you again in the future.  

Year 9 and Year 10 had presentations to inform them of options available post 16 including Preston College and Runshaw College explaining to students what to expect at their upcoming Taster Days. Now they have chosen what they will sample, we are looking forward to our visits. And finally we had Dan Maynard presenting to our Year 11’s about the Blackburn Rovers Sports College offer. It was lovely to see what one of our ex students has managed to achieve with them since leaving school just last year. Thank you to all for your time and support.”