9 August 2021
GCSE Results Day has come around quickly - it is on Thursday this week (12th August). On 11th July, I wrote guidance for all students about receiving results - please re-read it on the website here. A few reminders:
- The key point of contact is the dedicated email address resultsday@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk - this will be monitored throughout the day and over the following weeks.
- All students must check that they can access their school email addresses
- Students will receive their results via their school email addresses between 8.30 and 9am on Thursday morning. If they do not arrive by 9am, please email the dedicated email address and we will address the issue;
- Whether you are delighted or disappointed or somewhere in between the most important people to speak to are the college or provider that you are planning to attend in September. They can direct and guide you and discuss your options.
- If you need support from us (pastoral support, careers advice, exams guidance) please email resultsday@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk and one of us will be in touch as soon as possible.
- JCQ have now issued a useful guide to what to do if you think there has been an error in your grading - it is on their website here.
We have all worked very hard to ensure that the grades are fair and consistent and carefully follow national guidance. I know that the our excellent Year 11 leavers have worked very hard under difficult conditions so I wish everyone who is receiving their grades on Thursday all the very best!
Best wishes
James Harris