31 January 2020
Mrs Hill writes "Last week Amnesty Club took part in a webcast with Susan Pollack, a holocaust survivor. Our students had the honour of interviewing Mrs Pollack and felt privileged to receive such an insightful and inspirational message about the present and the future. Mrs Pollack highlighted the need to speak out and stand up for the vulnerable, particularly child refugees. As a result of this students at our school have been writing letters to MP’s about the protection of refugees after Brexit. They would like me to send you a copy of their views for the school website if possible and wish to add a link to a petition. I have also attached the video interview with Mrs Pollack.
I also wanted to send you what they have written as I feel very proud of their mature and thoughtful approach to this issue."
We are writing to all local MP’S on behalf of Walton Le Dale High school. Since leaving the European Union we are severely concerned that the child refuges protection acts will no longer be instated In Britain.
Conservative MP’S in the House of Lords have voted against an amendment to Boris Johnson’s Brexit legislation. This would have guaranteed family reunion rights for unaccompanied child refugees after the European Union withdrawal.
With the recent events of Holocaust memorial day it has been a very reflective time for all communities and we feel that it is disgusting for people in such high regard to let history repeat itself. How would you feel if it as your child lost, vulnerable and alone?
You have the voice. You have the power to make the change . We have the right to be listened to.
Save these children please.
Written by Amnesty Reps- Charlotte Cirino, Thomas Todd and Vicky Harkness.
Please support the campaign by following this link...
The video of the interview can be found here....