13 June 2019
Mrs McClelland writes "Over the last 10 weeks a group of Year 9 students have taken part in the Wellbeing Challenge organised by Lancashire Mind in partnership with Positive Action in the Community, Key Unlocking Futures and Young Lancashire with Think Forward C.I.C, in a bid to help students to build resilience against mental health conditions.
“The Wellbeing Challenge is a 10 week programme that secondary schools can sign up to via Lancashire Mind. The sessions will help students create and manage an asset, developing business skills and building confidence in the process, which will ultimately improve wellbeing across the school. We are very excited about the launch of the Wellbeing Challenge and the positive impact it will have on so many young people across Lancashire. ”
— Rachel Ray, Children and Young People’s Community Development Lead
They looked at mental health and wellbeing ideas in school to create something long lasting that will improve school and pupil wellbeing. Students also took part in a mental health quiz to test their knowledge about what they already knew about mental health, which opened up a discussion of issues and stigma attached to mental health.
Students created a survey and delivered throughout the school to let pupils know about the wellbeing challenge and forms were returned with pupil’s thoughts and ideas across all year groups. The main idea from the surveys was a Wellbeing Club to run after school to give support and further information about mental health conditions and ways to help. The Wellbeing Challengers will be involved in setting up the group, sourcing information. There will be a theme each month such as exam stress, body image, mindful activities, self-esteem to name a few. The club will run as “Wellbeing Wednesday”.
All pupils who took part were given badges and certificates representative of the Wellbeing progress they had made.
The Wellbeing Challenge awards ceremony event in the villa at Preston North End football club which will be held on Wednesday 3rd July 2019 will be a celebration of all the participants to congratulate them on their achievements."