30 August 2017
We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back on MONDAY 4th SEPTEMBER - everyone is due to be in school for 8.45am registration as usual. We are particularly looking forward to meeting our new Year 7s again - they should come to the dining room and will be welcomed there.
We start on “A week” - Year 7 don’t worry about this as you will get your timetables on Monday - everyone else will be following the same timetable from the end of last term.
Bus passes: if you have not received your bus pass for the Blackburn and Preston buses in time for the first day back to school, please catch your bus as normal and the pass will be sorted out for you. Members of staff will be travelling on the buses on the first day to welcome you and our new Year 7’s.
Uniform: Our uniform rules are simple and easy to follow and can be found at this link http://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/parents/uniform. Please check the description of suitable shoes carefully! It is also important to note that artificial nails are not permitted in school.
Phones: Again, our rules on mobile phones are clear and simple - our students have the privilege of using their phones during break and lunchtime outside the school buildings. Otherwise they must be off and out of sight. A slight change to the rules for this year is that the D Block Canopy now counts as “inside a building” and so phones cannot be used in the Canopy area.
Equipment: Please would you ensure that all students are suitably equipped for learning - pen, pencil, rubber, ruler etc… and a suitable bag for books and PE kit.
Year 7 only: I hope that you have enjoyed working on the transition project - please bring it with you on Monday if you remember. If you have a really good example of writing from your primary school literacy books it would be helpful to bring it with you for your English teachers. Don't worry about it too much - the most important thing is that you arrive ready to learn on Monday!
I hope that everyone has had a good summer break - I am really looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday!
Any questions please contact us at school.
James Harris