At Walton-le-Dale we believe that education is more than what goes on in the classroom.  Our staff therefore organise a range of trips - both to fit in with aspects of the curriculum AND because we recognise that trips provide opportunities to provide a wider educational experience.

Pre-pandemic, regular trips during the year included:

  • Visits to Hothersall Lodge for outdoor activities
  • Theatre trips - which vary according to the drama / dance events at local and regional theatres
  • Trips to London - theatre and 'sight-seeing';
  • Duke of Edinburgh activities
  • Enrichment trips for more able students such as trips to Houghton Tower and Northcote Manor.



  • In recent years we have travelled to China, Poland, Italy and Austria, for example.

    We always plan such trips well in advance to allow parents to plan financially and to plan around their own holidays.