Meeting the Needs of the Individual
We understand each student benefits from support and guidance at varying times during their education and as such we ensure that all have the opportunity to access the careers team whenever they require but also we tailor the careers programme to meet the needs of the individual student and organise engagement at key points including prior to choosing their options, exploring work experience and then the chance for multiple guidance appointments before making their post 16 choices.
To ensure our programme is effective and inclusive we continually adapt and measure the impact through various methods including evaluating events and opportunities and questionnaires for students, parents/ carers and staff which allow us to use feedback both positive and constructive to influence our future plans. We also carefully monitor our destination data and record our student’s aspirations in Year 9 and then again in Year 11 to see any changes and if the Careers Programme had any impact on their ambitions and help them to make informed and realistic choices.
Our team work closely with our students who have special education needs and disabilities throughout their education and this doesn’t stop when it comes to careers. We will always involve parents/ carers in discussions around their post 16 options. We can assist with transitioning, ensuring they are prepared for their next steps and that their support is continued when they leave us. For further information on the specialised support available to them when they leave school then please do speak to post 16 providers directly.
For more information on support and advice available for students with disabilities please explore the links below -