3 November 2021

Image of Walton-le-Dale awarded the prestigious ICT Mark once again!

In October Walton-le-Dale was inspected to evaluate our use of educational technology across the school. This has led to us being awarded the prestigious ICT Mark again, which is wonderful, but even better are the comments in the report!  It is well worth reading the whole thing on our website here (scroll to the bottom of the page).  A few of the more striking quotes are:

  • The use of online applications to support teaching and learning, both within and beyond school, is leading to improved outcomes as students become increasingly more independent learners.
  • Senior and subject leadership is a real strength
  • The school is very well resourced with a wide range of devices, peripherals, software, and applications, all of which are carefully selected to ensure they effectively support teaching and learning.
  • Teachers are invested in and valued through a commitment to professional development underpinned by a clear vision, which this year has a focus of "Blended Learning". Staff are increasingly confident and can identify effective opportunities for ICT to impact on student outcomes.
  • Education technology is used effectively and imaginatively across all curriculum areas. Teachers are encouraged to explore new approaches to teaching and learning within their subject specialism.
  • Digital Safeguarding is very strong. Policies and procedures are consistent across school and students understand what constitutes safe behaviour.

We are delighted with the report and with the national recognition that the ICT Mark brings.  Congratulations to Mr Turner (Head of Computing), to the Computing department and to all staff and students across school for the way in which they use technology to enhance learning.

Well done everyone!