21 September 2021

Image of WLD Teaching and Learning Conference 2021

It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have Tom Sherrington as our speaker at our staff Teaching and Learning Conference today.  Tom is a very well-known authority on teaching and learning and a prolific blogger and author.  His well-respected blog is at teacherhead.com and he tweets as @teacherhead. He worked with groups of our staff during the school day yesterday (Monday) - Heads of Department, teaching assistants and those working on instructional coaching - and he provided thought-provoking and stimulating input for all our teachers and many teaching assistants today.  

It was lovely to be joined by staff from a range of local and not-so-local schools as we considered how to further improve the teaching and learning and outcomes for all our students.

An excellent and thought-provoking day - thanks to Mrs Long, Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning) and the whole team of staff at Walton-le-Dale for making it happen!