14 July 2021

Image of ASPIRE Day 3

On the 28th June the whole school stopped the normal timetable and focused on PSHE and Careers Education.  These ASPIRE days are vital for our students in developing their wider skills and understanding.  Our final Aspire Day of this challenging academic year was an extremely busy one, greatly adapted to make sure our students still had meaningful external input safely within Covid restrictions.

Our Year 10’s began preparing for their future after WLD and were introduced to CV’s and application forms with virtual support from a variety of external partners including employees from Robertson, Future U and Preston’s College. They found out what employers look for and how to sell themselves positively, ready for completing their own next year. After this they then began researching and planning their next steps, in preparation of their guidance appointments in Year 11, and helping them get ready for making their post 16 decisions. It was great to see so much enthusiasm when approaching these important, but often challenging, activities. 

Our Year 8’s Aspire Day was focused on raising aspirations and getting them thinking about the skills they are developing in school and how these link to the wider world. They took part in workshops, delivered virtually by Dell Technologies, to learn how technology and innovation is constantly changing our day to day lives. Some were also supported by Ambassadors from Edge Hill University, allowing the students an insight into higher education and seeing this is an option for them in the future. 

We also had virtual inspirational speakers, talking to the students about their amazing careers to date, including Clare, who is currently a Risk Manager for the Prison and Probation Service, and Jade, who is a Site Manager at Robertson. Both gave a great insight into their experience and brought to life potential careers our students could consider in the future.

Years 7 and 9 engaged with PSHE days, tacking the following topics....

Year 7 - Staying Safe online and Offline

  • Avoiding gangs
  • Staying safe online
  • Drugs Education - smoking
  • Drugs education alcohol
  • Online gaming - fortnite

Year 9 - Essential Life Skills

  • From failure to success
  • What is anger?
  • Importance of happiness
  • Employment and financial management
  • Social media and Online stress

A massive thank you to all those that supported the day, especially during these strange times.