17 August 2020

Image of Celebrating the Class of 2020

To the Walton-le-Dale class of 2020.... 

To those whose hard work and ability has resulted in so many of the highest grades, to those who found academic study difficult but worked hard and steadily and have been rewarded by excellent results, to those whose worked with us to overcome difficulties that faced them, to those who made us laugh, to those whose presence in our classrooms brought a smile to our face, to those who we were privileged to help, to those families who we worked with over the years, to those who made us weep - sometimes with joy and sometimes with frustration, to those who helped others, to those who battled adversity in their lives, to those who asked for our help, to those who fought against us, to those who talked with us for hours and those we could never get a word out of, to those who entertained us, to those who found long-lasting friendship at school, to those who we believed in, but who found it hard to believe in themselves, to the anxious, to the confident, to those who are talented in so many ways, to those who have yet to realise how talented they are, to all of you .... we will never forget you!  We are living through momentous times and you have so much to offer and so much to contribute - our world needs people like you.  A recent official review of our school said that we have a "superb, naturally ingrained inclusive ethos" (IQM Flagship review July 2020) and you are a big part of that.

We are so proud of you!  Go out, contribute, be happy and come back and tell us your stories - we wish you all the success in the world.