3 August 2020

Image of Results Day 2020 - an update

Following our news item on the 14th July about plans for Results Day this year there is now some further information to help all our students.  

Firstly, Ofqual (who regulate examinations nationally) have published a very useful guide for students giving them all the information that they need about their results.  It has been emailed to all our Year 11 students (using their school email addresses), it is in the resources at the bottom of this news item and it can be found at this link.  

Secondly, our dedicated email address is now available at resultsday@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk.  The main use of this is on or after results day when students and families are welcome to get support and advice from our staff.  If you email this address we will book a time for you to talk to one of us.  It can also be used now if students have any queries about results day that aren't answered in the Ofqual student guide.

Thirdly, results can be released by schools nationally from 8am on Thursday 20th August.  We will email the results to each student's school email address at 8am.  If a student has not received their results by 8.30am then please email the resultsday@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk address and we will sort the issue out on an individual basis.

Fourthly, there are a range of other Ofqual resources about GCSE results this year.  These include a video, an infographic and the very detailed overall advice.

Fifthly, a reminder (a repeat from the last news item about results day!): every Year 11 student needs to check that they can access their school email.  Should any passwords need resetting please contact Mr Harvey at school.

Results day will look different this year due to the pandemic, but our priority is to help all our students make the right choices as they move on to the next stage of their lives.

Best wishes to all our Year 11 and their families.

Results Day 2020