28 April 2020

Image of Daniel running for the NHS

Daniel Curry (Y7)'s mum wrote to our Head of Year 7, Miss Bailey. to say "Daniel has asked me to contact you to let you know about his fund raising idea. For his daily outdoor exercise he has decided to run down and back up the road every day without stopping.  He wants to do this to raise money for the NHS. His Grandma and Grandad,  his Dad and myself are sponsoring him to do this challenge. (This is now Daniel's writing)  so sponsor me bro
He wanted me to ask you if you would like to sponsor him, and perhaps anyone else who might be interested at school, though no worries if you can't. 
I thought it would be good to help make this a special thing for Dan, and he is mad keen on this challenge.  I shall take some videos and let you see".

His fundraising page is at this link.

Great effort, Daniel - best of luck with your challenge - we look forward to seeing the videos!

Update from 1st May - Daniel has raised £135 so far and today he ran as a caped tiger!