5 December 2019
Our second enrichment day of the year saw our students engage in a wide range of activities. Year 7 undertook a PSHE day exploring "What is Mental Health?", Body Image/confidence, Healthy Eating, Anxiety/Resilience, Yoga, Choices and consequences (fire brigade).
Year 8 were working with the NHS using their 'Step into the NHS' resources and activities and had a talk from a lady who works in cyber intelligence
Year 9 tackled a Science and Technology challenge known as "Squashed tomatoes"!
Year 10 focused on keeping safe, this involved workshops including Restart a heart (fire brigade), Wasted lives (fire brigade), "Dom's story", "Every action has consequences" and Sexual Health
Year 11 were preparing for their future with mock interviews with an employer, from which they received detailed and useful feedback, and college applications with representatives of the colleges were in to help students
Many thanks to all the organisations who contributed, to the staff who organised the day and to our students for participating so well!