23 August 2018

Image of Celebrating every individual success!

Walton-le-Dale High School are celebrating the excellent progress made by their Year 11s in their GCSE examinations this year.  The combination of consistent individual hard work coupled with great teaching and exceptional support has led to great progress by students of all abilities.  Many students achieved far better than similar students nationally and should be extremely proud of their achievements.  


Exceptional performances included Louise Farnell, Jack Beardsworth, Thomas Butterworth, Ying Zhou, Olivia Bamford, Lewis Cairns, Ella Hammill-Standen, Elliott Nightingale and Tegan Cumberland.   Sheer hard work and effort paid off for many students such as Joe Richardson and Irshaad Moosa.  The Senior Student Team, including the Head Boy, Jack Murray, and Head Girl, Louise Farnell, did extremely well and have shown that they can balance significant responsibility with academic success.


Headteacher James Harris said "This is a school which focuses on the achievement and wider development of every single individual who walks through our doors. I am delighted with the progress that this year's GCSE students have made, particularly when faced with the range of new and more challenging examinations.  I wish every one of them the very best in the future and look forward to hearing of their successes in the years to come."


Well done everyone!


GCSE Results Day 2018