12 March 2018

Image of Amnesty Club participate in Sophie Scholl Awards

Staff have recently voted on the Amnesty Club's entries for the Sophie Scholl award run by Runshaw College. 

Sophie Scholl was a young woman who resisted the discrimination, intolerance and brutality of the Nazis during World War Two by forming the White Rose, a non-violent group that painted antifascist slogans on walls and distributed anti-Nazi leaflets. At just 21 years of age, Sophie ultimately paid with her life for her brave actions. At her trial she was ridiculed by the judge, however she was determined that ‘someone had to make a start’ in standing up to the Nazis.

The themes for the competition are:

a) The inspiration of Sophie Scholl

b) The White Rose

c) Someone has to make a start.

Entries can by

- A written piece

- A poem

- A piece of art work or music

- An idea to do something in school based on Sophie’s example.

Runshaw have given Natalie Worswick a 'Highly Commended' Award and she has been invited to the awards ceremony.

Staff have also voted for Daisy Blackmore and Grace Rushworth as their favourite entries, so Amnesty Club will award them with runner up prizes.

Well done everyone!

Sophie Scholl Awards

Sophie Scholl Awards