26 May 2017

Image of Balloon Release in memory of all the lives lost in Manchester

Amnesty  Club wanted our staff and students to remember those who have lost their lives and been seriously injured in Manchester. Our group wanted to focus on standing together and choosing love not hate. They wanted to remind people that Britain is a multicultural society and that we should embrace this and stand together as one human race against extremism.

The memorial was called 'Choose Love'.



Choose love

Never forget to believe in the good of others ,

Never forget that despite the evil, that our world is made up of, the loving, the compassionate will always prevail, so allow the good to outweigh it.

Never forget those who are willing to risk their lives to save others.

Never forget that our hearts are as one, untied not divided as one human race.

Never forget to stand together strong.

Choose love not hate.



Balloon release 26th May 2017