‘The most effective professional development not only boosts staff performance, retention, morale and recruitment, but can have a strong impact on pupil outcomes.’ (TDT)

We consider continued professional development as key to the development of our school and, more importantly, to the development and wellbeing of each member of staff who is part of our community.  We consider Walton-le-Dale to be a great place to work and part of that is for each of us to be able to think, learn and develop.

The aims and objectives of our professional development for all staff are in our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) policy at the bottom of this page - in summary they are

  • CPD will serve to support the school to achieve its developmental aims in each given year, support the professional development of all staff and support any member of staff who has been identified as being in need of professional development support.
  • It is our aim to offer all Staff the opportunity to undertake continuing professional development, relevant to the School Improvement Plan, their Departmental Development Plan and their own personal professional development;
  • It is recognised that professional development for any individual will be likely to lead to enhanced professional opportunities outside Walton le Dale High School. Staff are encouraged to seek management training where this is viewed as relevant to their future careers.

Overall - we think CPD is very important! 

Teacher Development Trust

Throughout the course of this academic year, the senior leadership team and whole staff body at Walton le Dale have been working with the Teacher Development Trust with the overarching aim of auditing and improving CPD across school.  The Teacher Development Trust (TDT) is the national charity for effective professional development in schools and colleges. 

You will find details of the audit and our work in the documents below.  Overall, staff and SLT at Walton le Dale were in agreement in their views about CPD provision and the overall award level was ‘silver’.  Many schools begin their evaluation journeys at the ‘working towards bronze’ stage so this is very positive indeed.  Most significantly and to be celebrated is that staff and senior leaders are consistent in their judgements. 

Since the audit in January, the school has been participating in a bespoke support package with the TDT working on priorities identified.  It is envisaged that this will strengthen Walton le Dale’s already strong CPD package for all staff.

Teacher Training

We are part of the Preston Teaching School Alliance which provides outstanding teacher training accredited by the University of Cumbria. For more details please see our "Want to Teach?" page.

Professional Development