7 July 2023
Our Y10 have been out on Work Experience this week and we have had some fantastic feedback from their employers. Some students have secured summer jobs as a result of being so successful in their placements. Thank you Y10, you have been great advocates for our school!
Just a few practicalities from me as we reach the end of term....
All years
Sports Day: Our Sports day will take place next Friday 14th July. Please can students attend in PE kit.
Uniform reminder: We are back in full uniform again. Please ensure your child has full uniform - no hoodies.
Transport letter: Please see information sent out earlier in the week regarding the 500 bus from September.
Free School Meals: FSM vouchers will be emailed on Friday 21st July for the Summer holiday period for £90 per student.
School closure for Summer: Reminder that school will close to students at 12:20 on Friday 21st July.
Posted by Vicky Ardern