30 June 2023

Image of WLD - Update for Parents and Carers- Friday 30th June 2023

Last night we held the Year 11 prom at The Tipis at Riley Green. It was a spectacular setting and the students all looked stunning. It was so wonderful to see them all back together and enjoying their evening. Thankfully the sun continued to shine.  We look forward to celebrating their successes on GCSE results day on Thursday 24th August.







Unfortunately we did have to postpone sports day today, but we are hoping that this can take place on the reserve date of Friday 14th July.  

All years 

Polite reminder: We are back in full uniform again. Please ensure your child has full uniform. Any issues, please contact their head of year.  

NEU Strike Day: Reminder that school is closed to years 7-10 on Wednesday 5th July due to the NEU strike day 

INSET Day: Reminder school will be closed to all students on Friday 7th July for our Primary Day. 

Preston Bus: The Preston Bus will no longer run from September as the cost is not viable. 

Free School Meals: FSM vouchers will be emailed on Friday 21st July for the Summer holiday period for £90 per student. This also includes the year 11s who have just left. 

Online Safety Newsletter: Please see the link here for July's edition of the online safety newsletter. 

Year 9  

The triple science invitation: Parents please reply to triple science invitations.  

An email was sent out to 30 Year 9 students on Monday 26th June. The deadline to reply is Monday 3rd July. If any parents have queries, then please email Miss Balforth, e.balmforth@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk

Year 10 

Work Experience: Students who haven't got a physical work experience placement will be based in D4, so will need to go straight there in the morning. They will be required to wear full school uniform and will access virtual work experience on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in school, with their attendance monitored. They should also access virtual work experience on Wednesday and Friday from home, unless your child has volunteered to help with Primary Day in school on Friday. These students will receive another certificate for this work experience.   

Please ensure that your child has been in contact with their employer and know where to go, what times they will be working and what to wear and are familiar with the staff there. Should they not attend work due to illness or other reasons, they will need to inform both school and their employer as their attendance is being monitored.  
Lastly, we hope that this week will be a very valuable experience for Year 10, and I look forward to hearing to hearing about their time in the workplace.  




Posted by Vicky Ardern