9 June 2023

Image of WLD - Update for Parents and Carers- Friday 9th June 2023

I have quite a number of important points to communicate with you this week.  

Firstly, thank you to those parents who attended my presentation before half term. At this time, I informed you of the Department for Education’s intention that schools move to a 32.5 hour week by September. For Walton Le Dale, this would mean extending the school day by 10 minutes each day. I do not feel at this time that this is necessary, with all the other changes which we are experiencing. Therefore, the timings of the school day will remain the same next year and we will review this for the following academic year. 

The updated proposal is now shown on my presentation slides on the school website.   

Alongside these updates, you will find a letter informing you that we are changing the school skirt from next year. This will only be available from school and can be purchased on Parent Pay. This is not an expectation for year 11 students, if their school skirt is pleated and knee length.  

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the Summer Sounds concert on Thursday 22nd June. 


All years 

Online Safety Newsletter: June '23 Online Safety Newsletter 

Presentations slides: Following my update meetings with parents, please see the link here for the presentation slides.  

Summer Sounds: For tickets for the school concert "Summer Sounds" please purchase via ParentPay under the 'Other' option.  Tickets are £3 for the concert, doors open at 5.30pm, Thursday 22nd June and will be a fantastic evening of live music acts performed by our students. 

Trips Day: Please see link here for the end of term trips on Tuesday 18th July. Closing date is 27th June. 

Year 7 

Progress Evening:  This will be an in-person event in school on Wednesday 21st June from 4pm. Bookings are to be made via Schoolcloud and further information will be sent out next week. 

Year 08 

Reports: Year 8 full reports were sent out this week, if you have not received a copy please contact school. 

Year 09  

Preston College: This is a requirement for all year 9 students to attend the taster day, which will take place on Tuesday 27th June - please give consent on Parentpay by Tuesday 13th June.   

Years 10 & 11 

Training 2000: Please see email sent out from our Careers Co-ordinator, Miss Minton regarding Training 2000 Aspiring Clubs. 



Posted by Vicky Ardern